
Running the emulator

Now you can simply run the file with the path to an assembly file as an argument
python3 <path_to_assembly_file>

or alterantively you can complile the python files into a c executable binary, this is useful if you want the emulator to be available as a shell command by moving it to ~/.local/bin or any other executable path

Compiling and running the emulator

To compile the emulator, first enssure that you can run the make command then simply run,
make build

this will compile a binary in the dist/ subdiretory of the project

to run the emulator simply ./dist/PyMIPS <path_to_assembly_file>

Configuration file

The Configuration file is pymips.toml


register_basebin dec hexthe numerical base all registers display in, under the hood it's still decimal
memory_mappedtrue falseenable or disable memory mapped registers
end_of_instructiontrue falseenable or disable end of instruction


entry_pointlabel namethe label which executes at the start of the program
file_to_runpaththe path to the assembly file to run


breakpointslist of line number(s)a list of line numbers to break at
watchpointslist of expression(s)a list of expressions to watch